Allan Kardec

The Researcher | Founder | Codifier of Spiritism

Born in 1804 in Lyon, Allan Kardec is the pseudonym of the venerated French pedagogue, Hippolyte Léon Denizard Rivail, responsible for carrying out the immense task of collecting the vast spirit communications which began in earnest in the middle of the eighteenth century and thus assembling what became popularly known as the Spiritist codification.

In his tireless efforts, he was able to publish 5 seminal books  (The Spirits’ Book, The Mediums’ Book, The Gospel Explained by the Spiritist Doctrine, Heaven and Hell, and Genesis) which are the canonical foundations of the Spiritist philosophy. In addition to his books, he published an opuscule which can be utilized as a succinct pocket book that outlines the Spiritist doctrine entitled “Spiritism in its Simplest Expression,” and as the true primer to the 5 aforementioned works, the book “What is Spiritism?,” lastly he published the La Revue Spirite (“The Spiritist Review“) a periodical which ran from 1859 until his discarnation in 1869 at 64 years of age.

The Five Fundamental Works of Spiritism

The Spirits’ Book | The Mediums’ Book | The Gospel According to Spiritism |Heaven & Hell | Genesis

The Spirits’ Book – Allan Kardec
It was the first and remains the most important Spiritist book. Containing The
Principles of Spiritist Doctrine on the Immortality of the Soul; The Nature of
Spirits and their Relations with the corporeal world; The Moral Laws; The
Present Life, the Future life and The Destiny of the Human Races.


The Mediums’ Book – Allan Kardec
A discussion of the means of communicating with the invisible world, the
development of mediumship and the difficulties encountered in the practice
of spiritism. In this tome the experimental and investigative features of the
doctrine are presented, explained and taught.


The Gospel According to Spiritism – Allan Kardec
The Gospel (Explained by the Spiritist Doctrine) contains the explanation for
the moral maxims of Christ, their concordance with Spiritism and their
application in various circumstances of life.


Heaven and Hell – Allan Kardec
Heaven and Hell contains a comparative examination of the various
doctrines concerning the passage from the earthly life to spirit-life, future
rewards and punishments, angels and devils and etc. Followed by numerous
examples of the state of the soul during and after death.


Genesis – Allan Kardec
Miracles and Predictions According to Spiritism. It reconciles science and
religion and develops a series of important scientific and philosophical
topics, relating them to Spiritism.

Media Links

The Spirits’ Book | The Mediums’ Book | The Gospel According to Spiritism |Heaven & Hell | Genesis


Spiritism is a lesson of love and everlasting life, in a continued pursuit of self-improvement, and harmony, with all the creation throughout multiple existences.

It is the collection of principles and laws, as revealed by the Superior Spirits, contained in the works of Allan Kardec, which constitute the Codification of Spiritism:

The Spirits’ Book, The Mediums’ Book, The Gospel According to Spiritism, Heaven and Hell, and Genesis.

It is the promised Consoler which came, at the appointed time, to compliment and remind us of what Jesus taught, “reestablishing all things in their true meaning”, so bringing to Humanity the true basis for spiritualization.

Kardec The Movie


The movie tells the story of Allan Kardec, from his days as an educator to his contribution to the Spiritist codification (Spiritism). Released by Netflix (August 29 © 2019 Netfllix). Director: Wagner de Assis. Writers: L.G. Bayão, Wagner de Assis. Stars: Leonardo Medeiros, Christian Baltauss, Letícia Braga, Sandra Corveloni…